Friday 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas Happy Holidays one and all

We wish you nothing but happiness, good health and wonderful things for the New Year. It is hard for me to believe that all of you children have only been alive in the 2000's. It was a huge deal when the year went from 1999 to 2000. People thought the world was going to end and all sorts of weird things were going to happen. You only know a date with 2000 in it. It still seems funny for us old people to say. 2012 has a great ring to it. We hope for big things and great friendships to begin.

Friday 9 December 2011

Decemeber at Westwood

Sinter Klaas has come and gone and we are all excited about Christmas coming. Did you have time off school? We have two more weeks of school. Our school days will be filled with children perfoming for us. Our school choirs will be singing us christmas and holiday songs, classes will be performing . The best is when the kinders ( age 4&5) sing a little song. They are always funny as they forget the words and wave to their parents or cry. We will have an evening concert for family and friends to join in the fun.
It has finally started to snow here. We have a very light blanket of snow. Not enough to sled on yet. Ask Ms Scholtens about her first day sledding here at Westwood. She had on a little jacket and little fashion boots. She was very cold.
In class we are reading the Narnia Chronicles, the gr 5 's are reading The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe.The Gr 6's are eading Prince Caspian. We are really enjoying it.  Before our holidays we will watch the movies. Have you read any of these books?
We will send pictures soon.